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Is it ok to ask out a girl on facebook at age 25? - Printable Version

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Is it ok to ask out a girl on facebook at age 25? - Crimson Knight - 05-05-2013 02:08 AM

I was just wondering is it ok for someone who is 25 to ask someone out on facebook? I used to work with this girl on facebook and I want to ask her out since she's been single for awhile. I have no other way of asking her out except for facebook but it just sounds like the wussy way. I do not have her phone number and we have no mutual friends. I know nowadays it's acceptable in the 15-20 year old range but at my age idk if it is. I might just ask if she wants to hang out and hang out with her a few times and then ask her out but that way doesn't always work either.

- Jon - 05-05-2013 02:16 AM

yes why not. i met my husband on the internet 12 years ago.

- Tickley - 05-05-2013 02:31 AM


- Matt - 05-05-2013 02:39 AM

No. Send her a message saying hi first. If she responds, try to get her number, then call her.

- Maria S - 05-05-2013 02:54 AM

Ask her for her phone #.
Then call to ask for the date.

Asking on fb make you sound like a teenager.

- Casey - 05-05-2013 03:00 AM

maybe you should message her and ask for her phone number and then text her for a while and then ask her. if not then id make it casual and just ask if she wanted to do something with you sometime. i think that would be ok

- squareaunt574 - 05-05-2013 03:15 AM

I would say bro ask her to hangout and just talk to her online a couplet times, It will probably come as a complete surprise and it might not work. I think in this scenario I would try to get time on your side. When you get alone time with her possibly then you go in for the kill.

- Vanessa - 05-05-2013 03:30 AM

Have you been chatting with her at all? Do you get along? My ex and I (26 & 23) started talking on facebook and finally decided to go out and were a match made in heaven until some other things went array. If you dont talk to her on chat or anything you might want go wait until you've talked to her more before asking her out though.

- Keith - 05-05-2013 03:37 AM

Of course it is not

- BILL - 05-05-2013 03:47 AM

Of course it is not