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Why has the internet changed society? - Printable Version

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Why has the internet changed society? - NickC - 05-05-2013 03:00 AM

Seriously. 30-40 years ago, when children "played outside" etc, the world was clever. Now people are bowing down and addicted to using social media and the internet. People are stupid. There are trolls and people get upset but come back. The next generation will be so stupid, humanity should end.

- solor - 05-05-2013 03:06 AM

I do think physically people are worse off, then 30-40 yrs ago. And due to this there are more incidents of mental health issues.

But the good thing about he internet is that people can actually look up knowledge. You don't have to listen to rumors or hearsay or just some dumb "guy who heard it from another guy" situation.

People can know so much more about politics, people, general situations in other countries, about violence, health, the planet, etc. It is all at your fingertips. 30 years ago all you knew about a topic was what snippet you heard from the news. And I doubt many ran to the library to check out every topic.

People just need to breath in between, and go out for a run. Remember to take care of their bodies and minds.

- sucks2bu - 05-05-2013 03:13 AM

YES! I agree 100%. What the internet HAS done is reinforce my natural belief that the world is full of SICK-F U C K S. Now the WHOLE world can see EXACTLY what I've been saying for decades IS ALL TRUE.

- Blade Of Glory - 05-05-2013 03:19 AM

yeah the internet has connected the world via social network and helped with shopping online but i reckon it has damaged society as well.