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How do i ask out this boy (6th&8th)? - Printable Version

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How do i ask out this boy (6th&8th)? - Rayne - 05-05-2013 03:18 AM

okay dont say im too young please and dont judge me but: theres this guy going on grade 9, me going on grade 7. (please dont say anything about the different ages, its not such a big deal, 2 years). anyways. well i kinda like him and he kinda likes me. but we dont actually talk much in real life, mostly facebook. well, we see each other at cyberzone (cyberzone is like a dance at branlyn community center age 8-14 every other friday, and some bonus dances sometimes. anyway back on topic.) the first time i saw him at cyberzone, i was shy so i took my friend sammi to say hi since he was with friends (dont know his friends). so we said hi a few times there. anyways, he says he still likes his ex, too. but theres an even bigger problem than that. my best friend likes him too and she cries because theres drama between them and she cant let go. one, i dont know if i should ask him out. two, i dont know where to ask him out. three, i dont know how to ask him out (i usually would think to use a note) and four what if hailey (the bestfriend i was talking about) gets mad at me or something? (he also said hed rather date me than hailey ooops..) sorry for writing so much! please help me!<3 thankyouu!

- J3llyB33n - 05-05-2013 03:24 AM

I think that's a little to young.
If he likes you back then ask away sweetie.. Sorry if I was no help.. ^_^