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Why don't girls just smile in pictures? Why do they have to do something weird? - Printable Version

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Why don't girls just smile in pictures? Why do they have to do something weird? - dude - 05-05-2013 04:52 AM

On Facebook one day I noticed that whenever I see a picture of a group of girls...they always stand the same way. Right next to each other with no gap between them...and the girls on the outside have one hand on their outside hip. Why do they do this? And it's weird because they ALL seem to do it...(girls in their 20s and maybe younger that is). Before that, the girly thing to do was to make a duckface and flash a gang sign in the picture...for some reason. Why do girls do these things? Why don't they just smile?

- Scope - 05-05-2013 05:01 AM

They're self conscious.

- נєѕѕу ❤ - 05-05-2013 05:05 AM

These are the girls who also receive hundreds of comments explaining how attractive they are from other female friends and young boys. They're encouraged by other people and will continue doing so until the attention they were previously gaining diminishes.

Personally, I smile in most of my photos and I don't aim the camera at my cleavage, but the downside to this is that no-one comments on how attractive you are or anything, and most don't even notice you have a new picture. However, I'm not looking for attention, which those other girls are aiming for specifically.

These girls believe they look amazingly sexy, while their friends are agreeing.

- Giovanni - 05-05-2013 05:12 AM

I hate that smooching thing, where they have to make their lips appear bigger.