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How do I stop talking to a creepy guy on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I stop talking to a creepy guy on Facebook? - sweetlittlebumblebee - 05-05-2013 05:45 AM

I've known the guy since I was little. He visits my neighbor (his mother-in-law) with his wife and kids every summer. He is nice enough, but it is weird to be constantly messaged on Facebook by a middle aged man while you are still in high school.

I don't want to be rude and tell him to stop talking to me, and he would notice if I blocked him. I also have made the mistake of giving him my cell phone number... Why did I do that...? -.-

This Christmas he gave me a lowcut spaghetti nightgown and a cami... He then asked for pictures of me wearing them. I ignored that comment and never sent a single picture of myself.

He sends me "funny" cat pictures and people of Walmart pictures. Some of the pictures he sends are inappropriate, for example 3 alpaca's humping and a dog off to the side; with this picture he said "Poor dog, missing out on all the fun." Even though this is harmless, it is totally inappropriate to make dirty jokes and go out of your way to send them to a teenage girl over Facebook.

I send back a few funny pictures just to be nice, but honestly, I don't want to be bothered with it anymore.

He refers to me as his little sister... He might just be lonely and doesn't know how to interact with people my age.

I never really have been into Facebook, infact I don't even talk to my friends in real life on it anymore. I don't want to have to respond to him every time I log on.

How do I nicely ask him to stop messaging me?

- Isabelle - 05-05-2013 05:49 AM

Just ignore it, and if it doesn't stop then tell him that you feel uncomfortable with it.

- Sophie - 05-05-2013 05:59 AM

Say too him " hi um i just wanted to say can you please stop sending me messages and dirty jokes i am kinda young aswell thanks Smile " yh so dat it and see what he says back oh yh and tell your mum Smile

- Mercedeaze - 05-05-2013 06:05 AM

You can't (and shouldn't) be nice to him. You will have to be rude. I know that you don't want to hurt his feelings, but honestly, he is a grown man trying to hit on/sleep with a teenager! You were smart to not send him a picture of yourself. I would de-friend him (without an explanation), but if you don't feel comfortable doing that, then I would at least tell my parents what's going on with him (just in case he turns out to not be harmless). Honestly, I feel as though even if you ask him nicely to stop harassing you, if you continue to talk to him, he will probably continue to make inappropriate comments.

But, please, tell your parents what he is doing, and show them his posts and messages (for your own safety). Call me paranoid, but there are an awful lot of missing teenage girls in the news who mysteriously go "missing," and you don't want to be one of them.

Oh, and don't blame yourself for this. He is the adult in this situation and he is not acting appropriately. He knows better, but he doesn't care. He has one thing on his mind, unfortunately, and it's not simply "being friends" with you. I wonder how many other teenage girls he tries to hit on (and succeeds)? Plus, he is married! What would his wife think if she knew how pervy he was (and, like I said, I doubt that you are his first "flirtation").