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What are some possible signs that someone is faking their identity? - Printable Version

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What are some possible signs that someone is faking their identity? - Briana - 05-05-2013 10:29 AM

So i met this very handsome guy on a dating website not too long ago. We've talked on the phone and we text pretty often so i felt okay when he asked me to send him some pics today. I sent mine (made sure they were all pics already on a social media forum) but when it was his turn, he hasn't sent any and he hasn't text me back. I think he's faking ..what do you think?

- tia - 05-05-2013 10:44 AM

I've gone through this before.
In fact, me and him ended up being in a 9 month relationship. He broke me apart and I miss him sincerely now and I refuse to accept the fact that he is FAKE. Even when all the pointers are there.

I'd go on video/call to him regularly. He never did.
He wouldn't let me add him on facebook.
He showed around two pictures of himself ONCE. (Refused to show them again).
He was just odd.

Don't get emotionally attached/involved like I did. It hurt's like hell. Especially when you're questioning their identity.

I'd say, if he doesn't reply in 24 hours then yes, he is.

And if he does end up sending a picture, make sure he is 100% real though. A picture doesn't justify anything.

- One Ring - 05-05-2013 10:46 AM

It's highly possible that he is faking.
I don't want to scare you, but he MAY misuse these pics by morphing them.
From now on, instead of sending pics, talk on webcam first.

- immensecaption866 - 05-05-2013 10:48 AM

There are scam busting sites with online lists of the names scammers use, their fake job offes, their email addresses, stock copy/paste emails, paid-for-in-cash cell phone numbers, stolen pictures and fake websites they use. You could start your search and post/ask at such sites.

If you have responded to a scammer, you are on his 'potential sucker' list, he will try again to separate you from your cash. He will send you more emails from his other free email addresses using another of his fake names with all kinds of stories of great jobs, lottery winnings, millions in the bank and desperate, lonely, sexy singles. He will sell your email address to all his scamming buddies who will also send you dozens of fake emails all with the exact same goal, you sending them your cash via Western Union or moneygram.

Do you know how to check the header of a received email? If not, you could google for information. Being able to read the header to determine the geographic location an email originated from will help you weed out the most obvious scams and scammers. Then delete and block that scammer. Don't bother to tell him that you know he is a scammer, it isn't worth your effort. He has one job in life, convincing victims to send him their hard-earned cash.

Whenever suspicious or just plain curious, google everything, website addresses, names used, companies mentioned, phone numbers given, all email addresses, even partial sentences from the emails as you might be unpleasantly surprised at what you find already posted online. You can also post/ask here and every scam-warner-anti-fraud-busting site you can find before taking a chance and losing money to a scammer.