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How would social media have affected 9//11? - Printable Version

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How would social media have affected 9//11? - Io amo la musica! - 10-12-2012 11:04 AM

- teenyswing678 - 10-12-2012 11:12 AM

The Media is just 1 or 4 main pervasive powers over man, it is used to spin, manipulate and blag the public.

They knew it was coming and also took out the advocates of the self destructive capitalistically driven culture that was at the time in the form of the third tower, burning back the fields so to speak to allow new shoots to grow.
This then gave an ideological reason to kick BinLarden's head in and rob the worlds second largest oil reserve. This was of course spun to the public.

The US was founded on treachery and prime markets just like any other nation.
The culprits are usually treacherous sycophants and psychopaths who kill their own relatives in the pursuit of false pervasive power grabs.

They are a young tribe whose culturally precedence set by it's peerage was founded on treachery and self preservation. But then name another country that was any different.

It takes cultural revolutions to change generational cultural perpetuation, a lot of which is dictated to by environments.

They have yet to learn that by picking up a weapon you immediately put your self in jail, and I don't mean literally, and that know body is free until they have masted themselves and humanity in the face of adversity.

People are not fully aware of the beasts that manipulate and feed from them, their nature is more akin to the ant mimicking spider, and we find this kind of mimicry amongst every dangerous lethal species.
All nations and cultures are founded on the pursuit of wealth and ideologically driven treacherous conquest, also it can be said an act of self-preservation in the pursuit of surreptitiously acquiring false pervasive power over others.
The main culprits are often sycophants and psychopaths who have killed their own relatives in its pursuit.

Religion is man-made, and dangerously so when man became God turning Pantheism into Monotheism, the parables and the words of enlightened beings perverted by heretics for purposes of acquiring false pervasive power over others, may be for what was believed to be the greater good but who knows?
The laws of karma (universal law) some say? Comes into balance to correct the injustices?

Ever wonder why scientists have yet to conclusively objectify this material purgatory paradigm of which we all reside?
Well the answer is because God has neither beginning nor no end.

Two of the 4 Veda's, dated 1500 BCE translated from Sanskrit to Tamil by Ramana Maharshi “Tat Tvam Asi” in English is “That Thou Art”, and Prajnanam Brahma (Consciousness is Brahman)
Over 1500 years later Jesus say's, “I and My Farther are One”. Also Luke 17-21 The kingdom of God within you.