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How do I start a successful blog? - Printable Version

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How do I start a successful blog? - Savannah Rhae - 05-05-2013 02:42 PM

I have been wanting to srart my own blog, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get it popular enough that at least 20-30 people read it. I have a blog currently, but it has been a complete fail and I just can't get it to go anywhere. I've also heard that some people can make money through blogging? How does that work and how do you do it? As you've probably guessed I'm not the most tech savvy person in the world, so please make answers as clear as you can Smile thanks!

- ModernSocialWorker - 05-05-2013 02:55 PM

Keep in mind that a blog needs time to gain momentum. Most need to consistently work at it for a solid year before seeing any real gain in popularity or recognition.

A lot of what determines how successful a blog will be depends on the type of blog it is. Specifically, what is the nature of the blog--what are you writing about? You have to determine whether the niche your writing for is something people are interested in reading. And once you determine your niche, you can start to target a particular audience in places like social media, forums...share links to your articles in places where people who are likely to be interested in your topics might be.

Content is also very important. You want to provide information that people will either find valuable/solve a particular problem for them, or, content that is entertaining. Ideally, you can combine both.

The opportunity to make money through blogging is out there, but its not very easy. A lot of popular bloggers with high readership do affiliate marketing (promote other people's products or services that relate to the blog/niche) and through this, they make commissions based on the # of sales that are funneled by their readers. Some people also get involved with placing pay-per-click ads or google ads on their blog site, but typically this does not bring in a huge amount of cash even when readers click on those ad links.

Others use their blog as a platform to promote their own product or service and that's probably where real money can be made.