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How can you make your web site? - Printable Version

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How can you make your web site? - smartass131991 - 05-05-2013 07:53 PM

- jim_walks - 05-05-2013 07:55 PM

Learn HTML. Here is a good site to learn it from.

- Sm.mS - 05-05-2013 07:59 PM

The easy way:
Goto a free webhost signup for an account and use their online page-building tools.
Free webhosts include: - For ad-supported webspace and lots of addons. - No ads, but need to signup for GMail first. - For a blog (online diary / rant). - For social networking (had a lot of bad press, lately).

The hard (but right) way:
You can start with NVU OpenSource web-builder program. It's much like Dreamweaver, but free from:

and then you will need some templates to play with:

FREE OpenSource templates from:

You will then need to find somewhere to host it (as a website).

- emo ja - 05-05-2013 08:01 PM

Sign up for a free trial @ Zyweb. They'll hook u up!