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Urgent help! I am from Zimbabwe and I have a problem with my mental state !!!? - Printable Version

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Urgent help! I am from Zimbabwe and I have a problem with my mental state !!!? - Fifo - 05-05-2013 08:01 PM

I have been already to doctors outside my country it helped me a bit but not enough. My family cant afford any treatment because we got a bill to pay and here in my country there is no such thing as "mental health". Also I am alergic to meds so you guys are my last resort.

Please, dont laugh at me I beg you.
I am really scared to be among people because I believe they can harm me in some way. I know not all people are bad but some are. I am scared they look at me with "an evil eye" and something bad happen to me. Or they wish me bad luck or something bad to me. Or they say to me "oh you have nice hair, i envy you" and touch me I freak out a lot. Also I am scared to have any profile like in facebook because some people see my pictures and look at me with "an evil eye"

I know I have to go out and be able to have some job but being among people scares me a lot and I have a bad anxiety because of this and scared to leave my house because some people could harm me with their thoughts.

My questions is can people harm me by wishing me bad luck, or put "an evil eye" on me or with their thoughts ??
If yes how can I protect myself ? Should I use any amulet or something ??

Please help, I am so scared and desperate :'(

- Dry Bones - 05-05-2013 08:04 PM

If an evil eye or wishing bad luck on me worked I would of been dead a long time ago. Unbelief is the solution. They only have a much power over you as you let them.

- Xen - 05-05-2013 08:07 PM

Yes, but here's what to do:

First thing in the morning when you arise, and the last thing you do before you sleep, open your window and shout back all the negativity you know has been directed to you. Just holler out, don't hold back.

Return it to its source, and you'll be find. Honest.

- Vanessa - 05-05-2013 08:11 PM

You have been here since 2010 and are on level 3. Do you really expect me to believe you

- Chosen - 05-05-2013 08:27 PM

Call on the name of Jesus Christ with all the help and earnest desperation that is within you abd no witch or voodoo priest can touch you with their demons