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when u meet a new person you like and he has expectations of you? too shy!! Meeting a new person? - Printable Version

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when u meet a new person you like and he has expectations of you? too shy!! Meeting a new person? - Nicole - 05-05-2013 08:12 PM

i have a friend that ive know for about 2 years now, we have only ever communicated through facebook chat and texting. for the last 2 years hes been asking me to chill with him, but sometimes i blow him off or just say i cant and come up with an excuse. he is so nice an patient and ive grown to really like him. i deny his invitations to chill because i am very shy and get nervous around new people, even though he doesnt feel new to me, i feel like im am familiar with him and it wont be weird or awkward, but i have yet to work up enough courage to actually take the initiative and go hang out, i know he wants to and it seems like he reallly likes me, though we both dont really talk about that much cause we have yet to chill in person Sad i think if we did we would have amazing potential for a relationship.. but i dont wana keep wasting precious time becaause of all my insecurites and then by the time im over it he'd move on and forget about me Sad its very stressing for me. any advice for why you think i do this? its like i build up such a fantasy in my mind i forget to actually make it happen in reality and cause of that ive been making myself look like a flake, which is not my intention. maybe im afraid therrs too much expectation that ill just not do good while im with him.. meaning not be myself i am being when im talking to him.. i wouldnt want to deceive him and make him think "wow what happen to the chick ive been talking to for the last 2 years, why is she so shy and quiet?" which i told him at times i can be.. but hes stated its okay so is he hes nervous around new people to, but hes willing to do it. and its okay if its awkward.. cause.. " its just YOU and ME , just us we got this!" he's amazing and has been an awesome friend!. please help me overcome this?

- joeschlobotnic - 05-05-2013 08:22 PM

He's not a new person. Take him to lunch and ask him questions about himself. No yes or no answer type questions. Where did you go for Christmas, what do you want to do with your life, you know, stuff like that.

I know you can do it.