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My mom used to be so laid back, but lately she gives me crap for doing what I want. What gives? - Printable Version

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My mom used to be so laid back, but lately she gives me crap for doing what I want. What gives? - scrawnyarithmetic779 - 05-05-2013 08:49 PM

For the past few years, my mom has been pretty cool with what goes on in my personal life. However, my personal life just started getting more eventful in the past two or three months, and she doesn't seem to like it at all. It could be because I'm still in college, but she feels that it's necessary to express her worry for me when I live on my own in the near future.

I can definitely say that I'm not some stupid teenager, I'm 21 for derp's sake. She has acknowledged that I am old enough to make certain decisions on my own, but that doesn't keep her from giving me her two cents and guilt tripping me anytime I do something she doesn't think is acceptable for a young christian girl. I am not by any means a "momma's girl". I love my mom, but we've always had an understanding about the things I do and when I do them. The most human interaction I had when I was at home, was when I would play games with friends on xbox live, and even then she would complain that I didn't get out enough. Is there no happy medium?

Lately, I've branched out more socially. I'm spending more time with my old friends, I've been partying here and there, and I've even developed a "close" relationship with an old high school guy friend. This, for some reason, makes my mom go insane. I don't even feel comfortable telling her what I'm doing or where I'm going anymore, just because I don't want to hear her complain about what I'm doing. I don't go nuts when I party, half of them don't even involve alcohol. I'll just meet friends for dinner every once in a while, and that seems to worry her, too. I'm very careful about where I go and who I go with, but it's like she forgets how I handle myself as soon as I step out of the front door.

I'm not trying to rebel against her or my dad, and my dad seems to be the only one that understands that I'm young and I just want to make the most of my free time. No matter how many times i explain to my mom that I realize what the consequences of my actions are, and that I will take care of anything if a problem arises, she still freaks out and tries to send me on a massive guilt trip. If I try to talk to her about how she makes me feel uncomfortable, she just starts getting angry and yelling at me that she's disappointed in me, and that she thought she raised me better. She would rather me be a hermit and never see my friends, than go out with my friends, be social, and have a little fun here and there. Any advice?

- HP-FAN - 05-05-2013 09:02 PM

Tell her you really dont want her to feel that way but you want to live while you young(no pun intended)

- AL - 05-05-2013 09:18 PM

You sound like a very intelligence individual who know what she want out of life and don't need to continue to hear that guilt trip from your mother.

The reason why she continue to make you feel that way is because she is trying to live her life through you such as, she think you're a christan that you must live your life without mistakes which is impossible for any one to do because she didn't do it her self. guilt she is feeling is of her on experience of the past and she is still holding her past mistakes and don't know how to let you lean from your on experience I know how you feel because I experience that feeling through my whole until I move away from my family and start live my life to my enjoyment stop listen to other people opinion on what is best for my life and I have been happy and enjoy the things the please me.

Therefore, you have to stop share your experience with your mother because she is not ready to see you as an adult individual and that she can't pick your friends and that you're entitle to lean from your mistakes like every one else did and all you have to do is take your error to the lord in pray without telling anybody else your personal business because all they going do is cur-side you and make you feeling guilty over nothing.