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Should you always have to be the first person to start contact or a conversation with other relatives? - Printable Version

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Should you always have to be the first person to start contact or a conversation with other relatives? - Newsh - 05-05-2013 10:29 PM

Like immediate or close relatives and distant relatives or relatives that live out of state. Are you usually the first person to always message them whether on Facebook or email or calling them, etc. Do they return the favor, by contacting you out of the blue to say hi or ask how things are going, or do u always feel like you have to start the conversation every time? I think it should be a 2-way street!

Some of my relatives and I will communicate some on facebook but I'm always the one messaging them except for a couple times. I always see them contacting others on facebook. We have great conversations, I just think others should return the favor. I'm always messaging my 2 cousins, around my age, brother and sister, but whenever I get on facebook or email I never get one message. They are always online too and go to college out of state or live out of state, but they always have time to talk when I message them first. Like I could probably go an entire year and no messages for me, but I message them. I see some on holidays and past family reunions, so I have put forth effort on my part.

Also, recently I missed my grandmas memorial service. She passed away at a hundred. I've wrote some song lyrics about her, so I do care, I have just been overwhelmed in life since before she passed, so I've been going to counseling. I just didn't feel like being around so many ppl at the service. I love them all, just didn't feel like going. Anyways, a couple family members sent my dad and I letters randomly, but they did apologize saying sorry we are contacting you in this circumstance, that's cool. But, one family member sent me a personal letter after the service saying you were deeply missed but I understand you are getting help with a counselor, saying we've missed you, and being nice, which I respect and its all well and good, but why didn't they ever message me beforehand to start a conversation? Why do I always have to be the one. I didn't miss the service because I don't like memorial services, I have been overwhelmed. My grandna lived a long, great life to be a hundred, and I'm not sad about that, I'm happy she lived that long, so her passing isn't affecting me just about other things since before her passing.

- Michaele Carvell - 05-05-2013 10:43 PM

it depends,if they come to your home,you greet them,but it woul be ok if you started up a conversation,like sports etc

- 1540 - 05-05-2013 10:58 PM

You have to face the reality that some people are not as interested in you as you are in them. You have to be the one because they don't want to. It is as simple as that. My own mother was like that with me (long before facebook). You just cannot make people do something they are not interested in doing.