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Can I still fight this in court even through it has been almost 7 years? - Printable Version

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Can I still fight this in court even through it has been almost 7 years? - funnylady1 - 05-06-2013 12:18 AM

I am going to try and make a very long story short. In 2006 I got court papers that said my ex's sister and husband went to court and got custody of your son. In those court papers there was no mention of me, his mother. I went to legal aid to find out what I could do but I would of had to go back to the state which it was out of (New Jersey) and I live in Florida. Back when I got the court papers my ex and me were still together and he told me to go to the courts and tell them he took him from me. It's not that I want him to come and live here. I just really want to know what I can do. He is now 17 years old and I doubt he even knows who I am. I can't call there, since I have no phone number. He doesn't have any social pages, like Facebook and so on. I miss him very much. Can anyone please help.

- mmm - 05-06-2013 12:25 AM

fight what in court? no good will come out of that - your son doesn't know you

how about call the family - you must have one of their numbers - start searching NOW

your son very well may hate you - never want to see your face - I'm just saying you have NO IDEA what crap they put in his head - be prepared for him to reject you and then go for it - he deserves to know what happened to his mother - even if his dad is an evil beast

- Sal - 05-06-2013 12:32 AM

If you have no way of finding where they live yourself, hire a private detective to search for you. Then try to contact his parents, and let them know that you would like to get to know him again. Even if they fight you, when your son turns 18, you can contact him directly. It will be his choice whether he wants to get to know you or not, but expect it to be a difficult sell. He will want to know why you haven't tried to find/contact/be with him earlier, and he may not be ready to get past that.

- lari1307 - 05-06-2013 12:44 AM

sooner or later he will need a birth certificate and see your name on it and he will come looking for you. But for 6 years he has heard what bad parents he had, and it may be true, but what he finds now when he looks for you will change his and your life.
You can send a letter to the court that will be given to him at age 18 but you should talk to a lawyer about how and where to send it.
There are places on the internet that will find anyone anywhere if you know the facts and where they came from, one of these is anywho. It will give you the address and phone number. simply put the name of your ex's sister and or her husband and the state and it will give you a list of people with that name if they have a phone. If it is not there you can use a pay site for a one time use that will give you the information.
But before you do anything be careful you can open a BIG can of worms, like back child support and a whole lot of other things you might not be looking to have pop up.

- l8tr g8tr - 05-06-2013 12:47 AM

No. It would be pointless. Try to reach him by mail and if he responds perhaps you try to build a relationship from there...