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I want to make a website like Myspace or Facebook? - Printable Version

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I want to make a website like Myspace or Facebook? - AusNikes - 05-06-2013 04:42 AM

I am wanting to make a website like Myspace or facebook. I know nothing only a tiny bit of HTML and I dont really want to learn it. How much would it cost to make? I need a price range!. The site has to be like myspace or facebook where they make an account then they can edit there profile and have their own page. How is it all done? Please explain everything in DETAIL! thanks

- Mokele Mbembe - 05-06-2013 04:44 AM

You want to reinvent a wheel that's been reinvented over and over. People have enough social networking accounts to maintain, that market is gone. Unless you're doing it to build up an existing business, I'm afraid to say it's a long shot.

- Dpac M - 05-06-2013 04:53 AM

do you think it was so easy for their owners to make them. It takes hundreds of programmers to build such site. You just cannot create such site especially when you dont have understanding about computer. Anyways those pages aren't created in html.

If you still want to make such a site.. try some content management system. With a combination of plugins you can make a community website but dont expect it to be as highly featured as myspace or facebook. You can also try software like Elgg.

- two pi - 05-06-2013 05:07 AM

As other posters mentioned, these web sites are huge, and were created by large teams of professionals.

You can still build your own content management system for your friends or business if you don't mind having ads on the site.

Go to and sign up. You can then create a social networking site of your own for free. You don't have to know anything about HTML or web programming.

Of course, if you do want to learn these things, take a look at my site or my books and I'll help you get started.