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How can i get my dad to stop being so strict and protective? - Printable Version

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How can i get my dad to stop being so strict and protective? - BILL - 05-06-2013 04:44 AM

I'm 16 years old and I can drive. My dad won't let me go out of the house to hang out with my friends during the school week. Because he always wants me to study. Yes I know he's doing it because he loves me, but if I never get to experience my teenage years with my friends and learn life lessons on my own I won't have the experience to guide myself through my life later on. I was just wondering how I can manipulate him so he lets me leave during the week for things other than to get gas or go to 7/11. I really need to leave my house because I just get so frustrated by him. Another thing is if I somehow manage to gain permission to leave the prison, I have to be back by 9 o'clock sharp or the world will stop spinning.

- Monica - 05-06-2013 04:48 AM

You might learn life lesson in college = more brutal. Hopefully your dad understands he can't hide you in a bubble for all eternity. A bubble has the capacity to burst=not pretty.

- Alan - 05-06-2013 05:02 AM

You have a good dad - treat him with some respect!!! Maybe if you do you homework without being prompted then he might cut you some slack. Remember his loves you as he is trying to his best for you. 9pm - sounds right - again get the work done and extra time could be the reward.

- Justin - 05-06-2013 05:11 AM

Just do it, and don't ask. Then if nothing goes wrong, ask next time, and if he says no, say"it was ok the last time!" Or something like that. My parents are controlling too. But I still do what I want, because I either ignore them or manipulate them to a degree.

- Savy - 05-06-2013 05:20 AM

I can relate so much to this! I'm 17, but don't even have my g1...try to casually talk to one parent. For me, its my mom. Ask how work is, and just mention stuff that happening in your life, like, "ya, john went to the mall to get his presents this year..." then they won't think much about it. I used "ya, all my friends are driving. In fact, I got a ride once..." then my mom grew silent and set up when I'm going to write my g1 test. Because she trusts me more than my friends...
But that's just an example. Basically, casually add what you want in your conversations. If you feel that your not getting life lessons, then say to them, indirectly that you feel socially unprepared for college. So what I'm saying is, let them come to the conclusion that you need more experience. That way they will feel that they made the decision and not their niéve teenager.
Trust me, I can relate to you, I don't have any social media, but so far my strategies have been breaking down the barriers between my parents and there strict ways. And they expect me to go to a university 17 hours away...
I think if you try these strategies, the walls will slowly but surely come down.
Good luck!