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just started makeup company, how do i get more interest in my web page? - Printable Version

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just started makeup company, how do i get more interest in my web page? - Hanucia - 05-06-2013 04:53 AM

i just started my new company, christimar cosmetics, and i need help getting my website noticed. what can i do to improve its visibility during searches?

- Sarah T - 05-06-2013 04:55 AM

no doubt, doing some free sample will definitely up the visibility

- allykat - 05-06-2013 05:01 AM

try creating ur website on

if u havent heard of it already, its a REALLY popular site.

good luck with ur company!!!

- Jazz - 05-06-2013 05:11 AM

Put it on yahoo answers!!!! In the makeup part, there are alot of ppl there. Free samples always work too, or in your local newspaper you could advertise it! Good LucK!!!

- succubus - 05-06-2013 05:25 AM

try creating your page on Myspace or Youtube.
Also, you could try looking for make-up sites that offer to link your page to theirs in the LINKS section.

Publicity is the key, so make sure you tell all your friends about it and they tell all their friends and so on, so on.

Maybe you should also think about giving out free samples, or organizing "house parties" where you bring some inventory and try to sell it, and then refer people to your website for more...

What kind of make-up is it? Which group of people are you targeting? Maybe posting notes on bulletine boards or handing out fliers might help...

good luck!

- tiny - 05-06-2013 05:40 AM

Myspace helps but people really go on there to look for people try going into chat rooms and asking people to check out your cosmetics that might help i can help u design your page really nice and spread the word actually but id have to charge you for that lol flyers in supermarkets, free samples, they do that in macy's try and find a booth in like a mall where u can set up and have people sample there and buy stuff they always get me im gullible when it comes to shoppin gmost women are especially if there just browsing cua htey been in the same mall tomany times and bought everything except you new cosmetice line right? and can u attach a link so i can check it out if i order something and dont like it i will let you know but in the mean time those are your best decisions i think. Inthe city people give things out for free so you can try them im not sure where u live but thats one way for handing out your free samples too. OKay i think i said enough hope that helps! Good Luck!

- mikeandfox - 05-06-2013 05:49 AM

Using the search engines site submission tools will help them accurately place your page. To drive traffic to your page, you really want to hit social networking sites and place subtle ads there. For example if a topic was about fashion then you may want to tell them about a great product that just happens to be on your site. No one likes spam and it will actually give you the reverse effect of what you want. Also social bookmarking, like and StumbleUpon are good places to bookmark your site.

- KJ - 05-06-2013 06:01 AM

difinitely offer free samples...thet improved mine. Also...get some business card with your info, including your website on thereWink