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Can a virus get through if I have protection? - Printable Version

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Can a virus get through if I have protection? - Angie - 05-06-2013 06:21 AM

I have McAfee and i was on facebook and added the sims well I heard its a virus? Could i have a virus and not know I have scanned 3 times and none are showing please
How do you know if you have one ?

- Jay - 05-06-2013 06:22 AM

you may have one, you may not.. some viruses can go undetected, if a anti virus software stopped every single one, no-one will ever get a virus, but some find a way through.

but if you cant find one i wouldnt worry too much, aslong as your computer is fine

- Shriekingwealth647 - 05-06-2013 06:35 AM

Not all anti-virus programs catch all virus's. yes, it is possible to be infected while you have a current anti-virus program.

- IIzabelaC - 05-06-2013 06:42 AM

Yes, but I would suggest to try this

- Trailerpark Pirate - 05-06-2013 06:57 AM

Mcafee is a turd. )~8

Usually you won't know your infected until your computer starts doing strange things and/or runs slower then usual?

You probably caught the Win 32 Virut or Sality virus. )~8

Seems like all the free games on Facebook and Myspace are infected with this virus lately!

Regular malware scans will not remove this (true virus)!
Try this free tool to see if you have it?

Read Post

Direct Download for Virut removal Tool

If you do have it email me and I'll help you get rid of it without reinstalling windows (~_~)

- Moo - 05-06-2013 07:11 AM

The free versions of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and SUPERAntiSpyware are very good for on-demand scans and removal.