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Is it true that Facebook is gonna make you pay? - Printable Version

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Is it true that Facebook is gonna make you pay? - Donovan J - 05-06-2013 06:22 AM

Rumors? Or facts?

- Jesse Luna - 05-06-2013 06:28 AM


- Space Space - 05-06-2013 06:38 AM

If I had a half-penny for every time this idiotic question was asked...

- Miss Lyss - 05-06-2013 06:52 AM

rumors. if they had people pay, nobody would use the site anymore..

- QuietViolet - 05-06-2013 07:05 AM

On September 31st, 2011 Facebook will start charging you for your account. To avoid this, you MUST get NAKED, stand on your dining room table and do the Macarena, all the while singing ”I Will Survive”. After filming and posting it to your Facebook wall and YouTube, then, and only then, will Mark Zuckerberg come down your chimney to tell you that your account will stay free. Pass it on, it must be true because someone on Facebook I hardly know told me.

- Lauren - 05-06-2013 07:11 AM

If you're seriously asking this question...

Facebook says on the home page that it will always be free.

Plus, with all the updates, they're losing people.

If they asked people to pay, then they'd lose all their business in like a day, because people would move to Google+.

- Olieng - 05-06-2013 07:23 AM

They’re all just rumors and always will be. Ask yourself, why would a company that’s worth over 50 billion dollars suddenly start charging for its service? The majority of users would not pay and will flock to another social network site i.e. Google plus if that happens to be the case. Charging for its service makes no economic sense and will ultimately lead to its own demise.

- cooingarmy383 - 05-06-2013 07:38 AM

Who ever started this bull crap should be happy because they really got some attention. I would like to choke him/she.
Look at the top of your face book home page. Here is what it says.
Facebook says on the home page that it will always be free

- Anil - 05-06-2013 07:43 AM

face book is free and always will be free the developer of face book say that to know it subscribe mark zumberg in face book

- Juniper - 05-06-2013 08:00 AM

Rumors. Not only is it not true, but this rumor has been going on for years. Similar rumors were on Myspace before that. Let's think about this logically, shall we?

Mark Zuckerburg, the owner of Facebook, has already become a billionaire with the site being FREE. Currently, Facebook is competing with (and losing users to) google+, the hot new thing in social networking. It would be one of the dumbest moves in business history for Facebook to start charging customers, especially now. There are multiple social networking sites that are still 100% free, and the vast majority of current Facebook users would migrate to those sites in the event that Facebook started charging. No users = no one clicking on FB ads = Facebook execs don't make any money.

Not only is it extremely unlikely that you would be required to pay for Facebook, but think about how you heard about it - most likely through a friend's status update. That status update probably said something like: "Facebook will start charging on [date] BUT if you copy and paste this status by [time] you won't have to pay. If you don't pay your account will be deleted!"

I don't know about anyone else, but it seems to me that IF Facebook were to start charging, you would probably hear about it through some other medium than a chain status, which is ALL those are. And you certainly wouldn't be able to save yourself from the charges by copying and pasting a status.