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Black male politicians bow to social and political pressure? - Printable Version

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Black male politicians bow to social and political pressure? - The Invincible Iron Man - 05-06-2013 07:12 AM

Do you agree that there are presently no black elected officials who are married to white women but they are all married to their own race instead e.g. Barack Obama, Colin Powell, Condo Rice, Marcos Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Dan Inouye, and Gary Locke etc, because they all bow to social peer pressure by the wider society, as well as bow to political pressure from the establishment in America?

Also, do you agree that social peer pressure in this case is directly a result of the State's control of US media e.g. internet, press, film & television etc, which implies that the State is ultimately responsible for its segregationist policy in regards to the marital status of black men who are in US politics?

Consequently, do you agree that there is a sinister regime in Washington DC whereby the black politicians are too afraid to speak out, and the State will do its very utmost to prevent such information from coming to light in the public domain e.g. Soylent Green represents the State in this case?

KEY: Black men = hispanic, african, asian, and native american etc.
White women = european

- Smarter Then You - 05-06-2013 07:16 AM

Before I can answer (and before your rant makes any sense whatsoever) you need to provide the numbers for white men in Congress married to a black woman.

- 603 - 05-06-2013 07:19 AM

Bahahahaha! Are you kidding? the only time politicians bow to political and social pressure is during election year. After that they just do what they want until it's time for another election.

- Terence - 05-06-2013 07:29 AM

Sure!. Yes!