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Democrats: How high should gas prices be? - Printable Version

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Democrats: How high should gas prices be? - Urban, D K - 05-06-2013 07:56 AM

By voting for Obama, democrats decided for all Americans that they didn't want lower prices on gasoline. So, how much would you democrats like all of us to pay for gas? $6 per gallon, $10 per gallon, $20 per gallon.
There are a ton of ignorant answers already. Absolutely profound.

Troy: go back to whatever lame college you got your political science degree, and see if you can get a refund. Gees.
Frog: I was just trying to ask lame questions like some of you democratics do.

- squareturkey467 - 05-06-2013 08:11 AM

ah, it is controlled by supply and demand

I hope this was of use

- Wolf Myth - 05-06-2013 08:26 AM


- ? - 05-06-2013 08:30 AM

6 doolar

- Shovel Ready - 05-06-2013 08:44 AM

We Democrats want to destroy Americe, and a completely fvcked up energy policy is one of the very best ways to accomplish that goal.

- Brian - 05-06-2013 08:55 AM

High enough so that only the wealthy can afford to drive.

- Louis Wu - 05-06-2013 09:01 AM

Your ignorance is showing. Cover it ans stop embarrassing yourself.
Gas prices jumped because crude prices jumped, and several refineries have reduced production because they're changing over to summer blends.

- Troy - 05-06-2013 09:15 AM

What a moronic question. Completely shows that you have no real comprehension of how the world works.

- Chewy Ivan 2 - 05-06-2013 09:20 AM

However high the market dictates. By voting for Obama, I decided I don't want my tax dollars used to subsidize climate-changing pollution all for the sake of cheap gas.

I'd rather have my white Christmases back than protect the right to drive around in gas-guzzling, oversized pick-up trucks on minimum wage.

- Kevin - 05-06-2013 09:36 AM

"By voting for Obama, democrats decided for all Americans that they didn't want lower prices on gasoline. "

That's total bullshit.