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Does this making money with google thing really work? - Printable Version

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Does this making money with google thing really work? - AngelicLies - 05-06-2013 08:39 AM

As seen here: Does this really work or is it just a scam?

- yipyap - 05-06-2013 08:45 AM

This is a scam and has nothing to do with google.
Google does operate it's adsense programme which doesn't cost you to join. This allows you to write articles on participating social network sites and put your google ads on. You can also set up your own web sites with google ads. In order to make good money though, you needs lots of traffic. is a google approved site that you can join then keep writing articles. As many people use it, it has a good traffic ranking so you just need to add contacts and they will be emailed everytime you write a new article, hence traffic.
If you create your own web site, then you need to learn some SEO techniques to get higher google rankings and more traffic. You can make good money from adsense, especially in the 'niche' article market, i.e. writing articles relating to a particular subject such as 'how to repair a broken lock'. The advantage of these types of sites is that you have less competition and more targetted visitors.
Sign up for google adsense for FREE here:…

Better still, sign up to hub pages first:
Reason? because a.) you need a web site before you can get an adsense account and b) because google may reject you.
Hub pages will direct you to googles sign up page during the process and you are much more likely to get accepted. Also, you will be asked to sign up to others such as amazon and kontera. Kontera ads are link ads in articles. You've seen them before, whilst reading a news report you find one or two words underlined and think it tells you more, but when you click it taskes you to or something.
If you want to incorporate a website as well as hub pages, will give you one hosting account for up to 14 websites for free.
You can also sign up with blogger asnd put your google ads on there too.
There you go, google adsense kit for free!

- dude xyx - 05-06-2013 08:56 AM

Its a Google scam. They send you a "kit" which will "help" you to earn from Google, taking only 2$ shipping fee. But what they don't tell you is there is a trail period for this "kit" and after that they charge your credit card 50$-100$ per month ! Its not going to be easy to cancel it even if you want to. So better read and understand about these Google scams before fell for those.