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How to get followers on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How to get followers on Twitter? - Sarahh Bann - 09-30-2012 01:45 PM

I'd like some more followers, naturally.
Buuut, I don't want to beg for followers on Twitter (ex. Tweet~ #follow me! #teamfollowback)
& I don't want to go around spamming websites either.

- Nece - 09-30-2012 01:53 PM

To gain followers thats what you have to do!!

- Trevor Lucken - 09-30-2012 01:53 PM

I Would Too Need More Followers
but i don't beg at all

- Fox Casino - 09-30-2012 01:53 PM

Follow4follow @imnoturbbygirl

- chris m - 09-30-2012 01:53 PM

well, im not sure. but if you follow @ccmoebius10 at you will instantly become awesome...

- Wunder909 - 09-30-2012 01:53 PM

Use this website:

its free and fast. you get a number of 'seeds' to start with and offer a number to people who follow you, in return if you follow some ppl frm this website you can get more seeds, and so on. you can even add interests so that you finnd people that share ur interests.
