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Please help...My situation is weird...? - Printable Version

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Please help...My situation is weird...? - Sadat - 05-06-2013 11:04 AM

So, there's this girl I like, but she's a year older than me. We didn't know each other, and the fact that she was in a higher grade made it more difficult to talk. And I was too shy to actually go ahead and talk in the halls or somewhere outside the classroom. Eventually, I used Facebook, but might have just taken a step too far. I sort of blurted out about how I felt about her. Was that a big mistake? She rejected me though, saying she didn't know me. Well, that's true. (She's wasn't and is still not my friend on Facebook.)

After the incident, I've stood up for student body president, so I guess she knows who I am now. Also, I rapped at a school talent show. I could have imagined it, but she seemed to be enjoying. Since the message though, she's been staring at me at school. One day, while I was entering the school in the morning, I saw her staring at me from her bus. When our eyes met, she immediately pulled the curtains. What's that supposed to mean? I still have a crush on her, but how do I approach the situation now?

- Beren - 05-06-2013 11:20 AM

Tell her you want her.

- Bryan - 05-06-2013 11:26 AM

I would just start talking to her casually. I think she might be taking an interest to you, but since she doesn't know you too much she's keeping her distance. I would talk to her, become friends, and ask if she wants to date.

Answer mine?

- Larsmarsbars - 05-06-2013 11:34 AM

Keep talking to her. She may be starting to have feelings for you. She needs to get to know you better, so talk to her at school or something. Find a way to talk to her

- Emma - 05-06-2013 11:48 AM

as sad and as annoying as a rejection is i think it might be for the best find someone who loves you back

- elizabeth - 05-06-2013 11:58 AM

For starters do not tell her you want her. she will be like WHATTTT!!!!
but smile at her around school, say hi if you can. just keep it casual.
then message her on a social network (facebook) have normal conversation (wuu2 etc) get to know her.
then gradualy flirt and tell her how you feel.
hope everything works out
Good luck Smile

- Emma - 05-06-2013 12:04 PM

Here's an answer from a girl who's been the girl on the other end of your situation:

Sometimes, after something like this happens, the girl starts to like the guy. She didn't even know who he was when he asked her, but then she started thinking of him differently, and if I were you, I would start talking to her again. But don't go crazy and just blurt it out again. Take it slow. Also, don't only talk to her on social media. It's okay to message her on Facebook or text her (remember: girls like it when guys text them first) but start talking to her in person before you do that. Personally, I hate it when there are those guys that I like but they only text me, they don't talk to me in person. When you do talk to her, after a while and you try to become friends, you could try some subtle flirting. Here are some flirting tips:

1. Have an Opening Line
Find a reason to talk to the person. If you're in a class with them, come up with a question about an assignment. If they're standing in line behind you at a concert, ask about the band. Get creative, and be ready to respond to whatever they say.

2. Make Eye Contact
If you don't make eye contact, you'll look bored or uninterested, and that's not an impression you want to give. Too shy to look them right in the eyes? Here's a trick: look at the spot right between their eyes. It'll look like eye contact to them.

3. Come Up With a Compliment
Pick one thing you like about the way they look - like their hair, their smile or an article of clothing. Let them know in a friendly way how much you like it. It'll make them feel good and will open them up to you. (If you can't think of an opening line for tip #1, a compliment will do.)

4. Smile
You don't have to go all Bozo the Clown, but the idea is to look like you enjoy talking to them. So be sure to throw them a smile whenever it makes sense. If they shoot one back, you'll know that they like talking to you, too.

5. Flirt With Your Body
The body language you use when you flirt is just as important as what you say. Use good posture, point your body towards the person and try to find excuses to touch them. I usually touch a guy on the arm, so you could always try that with her!

6. Keep It Light
You'll get a way better response if you chat about fun, happy stuff (like your new puppy) than serious or sad stuff (like when your puppy got hit by a train). The point of flirting isn't to bare your soul or share your honest opinions about everything. It's to open the door to lots more conversations down the road.

7. Beware of Awkward Silences
Once the convo drags, it's probably gone for good. Fill an awkward silence by asking the other person a question. Can't think of one? Ask them about something they're wearing or something in your environment (like a painting on the wall, or the music that's playing).

Hope this helps!