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I REALLY want a best friend!? - Printable Version

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I REALLY want a best friend!? - tilly - 05-06-2013 11:33 AM

im a 13 year old girl Smile i have friends, but they're either uninterested in having a best friend, they're way too different from me, or they annoy me, or they're often mean. i have this friend i was best friends with for like 5 years, but we went to different schools & she got really popular and got new best friends. there's also something about her, like she knows she's so popular so she just doesn't bother trying to make our friendship closer. she can sometimes be mean too. i just want a friend who i can share everything with, do everything together. i've been trying to get close with this girl at school, but she has 3 other best friends which i think i can never beat.i'm also very shy when i first meet people. i don't really have many friends because of this is, but i don't care about quantity, it's about quality. is there anyone out there with the same problem or my age? maybe i could add you on facebook or something? just to chat Wink

- Sahil - 05-06-2013 11:36 AM

even me I have same problem my parents they never leave me free I am always on social networking sites I think we can be friends if you like?

- Dulce - 05-06-2013 11:48 AM

If she really did that, she was never your best friend.

But don't worry, since very few people your age actually have a "best friend". It requires both sides to be loyal and mature the whole way through, and this requires time. Movies and stories portray it as something common, which is contrary to real life.

I am not interested in being your friend, but here's some advice: try not to make friends with strangers probably 100 miles away from your location. I'm not saying you're at any risk of meeting paedophiles or anything, or to not talk with strangers, but if you're looking for a best friend, look locally: social gatherings, local facebook pages, or in your school, particularly where those with interests common to you may meet. That's the first step towards finding a BFF.

Best of luck.

- Wim - 05-06-2013 11:57 AM

considering this question..
a best friend will do you good

best whishes!

- FriendlyNinja920 - 05-06-2013 12:01 PM

I AM your age AGE and i have the same problemo. I would like to talk to you but my parents dont let me have a FACBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, or anything else except maybe email me sometime.

- Nikki - 05-06-2013 12:07 PM

Having a best friend is not a competition. If you really feel the girl you are getting close to can potenially best friend why not hang out more? Anyway its not "shes my best friend not yours" you can have a group. So if that girl you see as your best friend with the other 3 friends, become friends with them and you guys can be best friends forever! I personally think its better to have a group of closes friends rather than one so everyone has fun!!!!!
I kinda am dealing with the same thing but we all hang out together and sometimes go cinemas, i wish we could get closer to and become awesome bffs forever! Stay positive if it doesn't work out, you'll find one eventually