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What is the best keylogger for monitoring employees during office hours? - Printable Version

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What is the best keylogger for monitoring employees during office hours? - Madvan155 - 05-06-2013 02:45 PM

- asthepalaceburns - 05-06-2013 02:47 PM

Leave your employees alone. They hate you enough already.

- tahir.com2008 - 05-06-2013 02:56 PM

it depends on your needs. you should try to search on google with all of your needs.
Also try to find on the

- tahir.com2008 - 05-06-2013 03:08 PM

I'm sorry but employees should be working and not goofing off thats what their getting paid for not to play, their are numerous ones listed at the following link i'm not sure which is the best.

- jwenting - 05-06-2013 03:19 PM

If you trust your employees, you don't spy on them.
If you don't trust them, why are they your employees?

- mick f - 05-06-2013 03:34 PM

there are other ways to block their activity ----keylogging is snooping
and could get u in trouble ----use a blocking filter like the schools do

- dcb30344 - 05-06-2013 03:43 PM

some of you idiots in here have stupid response. when you have a company you will understand why this person asked this question. there is a software that is called surf control, this soft ware will allow you to see what sites your employees go to and be able to block these sites. doesn't cost much to purchase. well worth the money. in case you people wonder why this person asked this question, well here is the answer. 1) employees are supposed to be working not surfing on company computers, this is called stealing company time when they should be working. 2 ) employees are surfing on company computer really do not care what type of sites they go to unlike when they are surfing on their own computers which they are taking a chance of getting adware and viruses. and most important, company computers are for working not for personal use. it is a main problem for companies that have employees that surf the enter net on company time instead of working are the reason why company owners need to take these kinds of measures. my advise is get a key logger and buy the surf control software.

- David - 05-06-2013 03:56 PM

we applied EAM for monitoring computer and Internet usage of our employees, it is pretty smart and powerful, u can find it here:

- Logi - 05-06-2013 03:59 PM

My answer to help you is Inside Keylogger. This application is really good. You can easily test it first so there is no need to worry that it won't satisfy your requests. Also read about it, see what it can do. I have attached a couple of links.

By the way, monitoring your employees activity is perfectly legal, because the hardware belongs to the employer. For small businesses, good keyloggers are just great.

- Stephany - 05-06-2013 04:12 PM

I highly recommend Keyprowler if you are looking for a superb keylogger for monitoring your employees' internet activities while at work. I have been using this for a year now and so far I can view all keystrokes made by my employees, all messages sent on Facebook, Myspace and Twitter while at work as well as all chat messages on YM, Gtalk, AIM, AOL. It also provides screenshots..what more can you ask for? Once my employee asked me for evidence that he's working most of his time on facebook especially during office hours then voila..all evidences were all handed to him (screenshots and all records of computer activities during office hours). You can download it here