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What social clique would i be in? - Printable Version

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What social clique would i be in? - Secret singer - 05-06-2013 04:40 PM

What social group would i be in?
Popular (perfect in everyway,skinny,pretty, gets all the guys, acts rich but really arnt, wears abercrombie,hollister,pink, victorias secret, gilly hicks,pac-sun,forever 21, white iphone, all are tall.)
Athlete(girl jock, boy jock)
Nerds (robot club computer repair class like.)
The almost popular group? ( not so much the wannabe but there just the second best)
Wannabee (there alone most of the time craving for attention wanting to be popular)
Freaks ( emos,goths,meth users, people like tht)

About me:
I and 5,3 and weigh 165 pounds, i carry my weight all around im around a size 12 to 14, my bra size is 36DD, my family is extreamly riich and i only wear designer clothes like from nordstrom, louis vuitton , chanel, juicy. I have auburn hair medium length with blonde highlights, i wear chanel glasses. I am in the media program at school where i make movies/act in them and im graduating with all the credentials for tv/film i am going to be the 3rd in the state tht graduates with this(california) i have social anxiety from being bullied and beat up for many years as a result, im afraid to talk to people, i am compleatly hidden mostly, i am just compleately outcasted. What group should i be apart of? I really want and need freinds at school!
I carry my weight very equally around im not extreamly obese! No rude or mean comments!

- Murdoc Niccals - 05-06-2013 04:50 PM

Grow up.

- Jxxxx - 05-06-2013 05:01 PM

I think you should just be yourself and not be in a clique and also stop showing off to people about your designer clothes and being rich as nobody likes a stuck up arrogant rich kid.

- Aria - 05-06-2013 05:14 PM

really? designer clothes? Wow, some people would kill to stop shopping at thrift stores instead of just whining about what group they should be in. Go back to Mean Girls hun and grow up

- kyla - 05-06-2013 05:16 PM

I don't think you'd be popular just because they'd see you as trying to hard and they have this very idealistic image. Besides, their jerks anyway.I don't assume you're an athlete because you didn't really mention any sports. Nerds, well you do make films? You might be able to be friends with them. The almost popular are even more judgmental because they think that talking bad about people will make them more popular. They also cling to a lot of people which isn't really great. The wannabes usually try too hard. I doubt you are one. You're not a freak as I can see. So, what I think is that you are a wallflower. You're there. Which isn't horrible. You have to make the best of it. Find someone that you can talk to. Find one of the other outcasts, that doesn't really fit in any of these groups. Because, cliques are overrated anyway. Be yourself. That's all that matters. You don't need a label to define you. Embrace who you are and make the most of today. Good luck. Smile

- Chloé - 05-06-2013 05:24 PM

shallow and immature you get what you want and when you dont you eat to take the pain away but then ahte yourself lemme tell you something u wont be in any clique just be homeschooled cuz you are a person with no strong will or self opinion or respect

- Wayne - 05-06-2013 05:33 PM

Answer to your question: You should be pretty popular. They feed off of the insecurities of others to mask their own. Its not necessarily bad, its a coping mechanism.

What I did: I had friends from all over. I had the richest, weirdest, most athletic friends you can think of. As a person, we all share characteristics, its just that some are easier to show than others so we have cliques to show what group of people you should hang with. Get around. Have a diverse group. Keeps life from being boring and they may have more to offer in a certain are of life.

- Clarissa - 05-06-2013 05:39 PM

I think you should aim for the artsy kids. Like the theater kids, or the art club kids. you know the type. and I would get a friend or two from the nerd group. You aren't really a nerd, from the sounds of it, but nerds rock! In high school, ppl don't appriciate nerds as much as they do when they are older. But there are such things as cool nerds.
the popular kids, yeah, they aren't that nice ussually. why surround yourself with probably mean, b**chy people?
the 2nd class populars are nicer, and they aren't as bad.
There is also a thing where you are your own group. Like a hybrid between a few groups.
Listen to I Am a Rock by Simon and Garfunkel. I haven't heard it much, but I remember thinking about how it is like "these guys are their own, established, distinguised selves"