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How can I stop my internet/celebrity/movie addiction? - Printable Version

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How can I stop my internet/celebrity/movie addiction? - Alycia - 05-06-2013 07:59 PM

My life has always revolved around a celebrity or film. Literally: Every aspect of my life centers around it. I’m sure you can understand why this is unhealthy by all measures. The internet, I think, fuels my obsessions - They wouldn’t be so extreme if there weren’t other fans/media accessibility to encourage it. Example: I’ve started by deleting my Tumblr account. My happiness was so dependent on the website, however, that I felt ‘empty’ when it was gone.

I don’t think it’s healthy to go cold turkey, nor do I want to. I’d like to say “Yes, he’s my favorite actor!” without delusionally imagining a future life with him. I’d like to watch a great film, and for the next two weeks, be able to converse about something else. I want my happiness to depend on me and my social interactions with others. I want to live my life rather than stare at a screen.

So, besides leaving Yahoo for the day... Smile Any other ways I can curb my addiction?
Thanks everyone! Hope you have a fantastic rest of the day!

- Erraticbead740 - 05-06-2013 08:12 PM

I remember being like that, like I used to be obsessed with what famous people were upto and getting involved into their personal lives. I realised it was basically what certain people and the media are like nowadays, so I stopped doing things like reading gossip magazines, staying away from any kind of online articles, unless it's about current world events or sports or something like that. I also stopped watching any stupid reality or so called "talent" shows, cos those just basically suck you in and take away extra time.
You might feel a bit empty after deleting certain things, but that won't last very long, just replace it with a hobby, and go outside more- you'll feel more alive and open minded to life. You don't have to delete anything though, just limit the amount of days or time that you're on it. And as for the movies, just don't watch them as often, and distract yourself by doing something more productive. Trust me, just find better things to do with your time and you'll think more differently, but more imporantly, you'll have a free, positive mind and life will be a lot simpler. Smile
Hope that was helpful enough