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On Facebook my privacy setting for posts keeps reverting to "only me"? - Printable Version

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On Facebook my privacy setting for posts keeps reverting to "only me"? - Ginny - 05-06-2013 08:41 PM

This seems to be when I am playing FarmVille 2. I will post to share a reward, and have to change it each time. I went into my privacy setting screen and made sure it was 'friends" but when posting it says "only me".

The worst part is that there are lots of items you post to your wall and need your friends to send them to you. When I click "ask friends" sometimes the message "message sent" comes up, sometimes not. I never, though, get the option to change posting settings on those type of posts and they are not showing up on my wall.

- Andrew - 05-06-2013 08:52 PM

To fix this problem Simply go to your privacy settings. Click on "Edit Settings" next to 'Ads, Apps and Websites'. Now click on "Edit Settings" next to 'Apps you use' and then find FarmVille 2. Click on FarmVille 2 and change the "Post on your behalf" to what ever fits best.

Hope this helps.