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Do you really have freedom of speech in regard to social media? - Printable Version

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Do you really have freedom of speech in regard to social media? - Hollywood Jono - 10-12-2012 11:43 AM

It certainly doesn’t seem like it. Everything you say comes back to you and you can never really get away from it. People can retaliate against you for unpopular speech and saying things they don’t care for. Like for example you are an avid supporter of traditional one man, one woman marriage and are vocal about this. People who are pro same sex marriage may take offense to your views and show up at your door.

- livelysack049 - 10-12-2012 11:51 AM

free speech is about being able to say whatever you want...

not about being free from any consequences of saying something...

there are always consequences... but you have the freedom to say it...

- Pakbowl42 - 10-12-2012 11:51 AM

Freedom requires allowing others to be free. If they aren't poking you in the butt, why would you care if gays get married? Has no bearing on my marriage.

The US is not a free nation, too many buy that bullspit while attempting to control everyone around them. I won't show up at your door, just laugh at you as I exercise my right to speak.

- Liv - 10-12-2012 11:51 AM

Well, there's some fine print with "free speech."

Yes, you have the freedom to speak your mind...the fine print is everyone else can tell YOU what's on THEIR mind.

- Ali - 10-12-2012 11:51 AM

If you are a celebrity, then no such thing. However, just don't put your address or phone number on facebook while saying hateful things, and you will be fine. The thing about free speech, it goes both ways. You can say something hateful but others can let you know they didn't take it well. And if you are worried about getting beat up by homosexuals, then don't, we get violence against us a lot more often from straight folks than straight folks get it from us. Last time I saw a youtube video of homosexuals showing up at someone's door, they sprayed glitter. My personal favorite way to retaliate is silly string.

- jehen - 10-12-2012 11:51 AM

You misunderstand what freedom of speech means - It only means that the government, by force, rule of law, or threat of punishment, cannot restrict your speech or impose prior restraint. But there is no such protection of your utterances in the marketplace of ideas. If no one is buying, or you get shouted down, that is not a violation of your right to free speech. Freedom of speech is not freedom from the consequences of unpopular views in marketplace of ideas - just the freedom to express them without the threat of arrest.

- scrawnyContender992 - 10-12-2012 11:51 AM

With any freedoms, including freedom of speech, comes responsibilities. We are all responsible for our own actions, especially in regard to social media, because what we profess could affect other actions. It could be like a trigger mechanism. In the course of expressing ourselves, we should show some sort of dignity and decorum when doing so. It isn't necessary to use inflammatory rhetoric or in a disrespectful tone to get our points across.