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Should I say something on Facebook? ? - Printable Version

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Should I say something on Facebook? ? - Sarah - 05-06-2013 09:25 PM

My Dad is married to an Indian woman in a small indian village in Alaska. They've been married since I was 5. Im 27 now and live in Vegas. When I was 10 and then again 12, I lived in the village with them for no more than 6 months at a time. My Dad was never really in my life and his wife was jealous and mean...but claims she loves me. ANYWAYS...when I was 10, and in the village, my step Mom's dad put his hands down my pants and said "I like girl" . I don't remember if I told my Dad at that time but I did tell him last year when I finally got to see him again. He was like omg Im sorry...etc. Im pretty sure his wife was molested too..she has mental and emotional problems and eats her sorrows away ...not to mention she lived with the pervert all her life.... Now Ill get to the point....I am constantly seeing facebook posts from my Step Mom praising the old man. Shes always posting about how good my Dad cooks for him. I saw a post once where she was proud and happy that she left 2 little girls alone at his house. So my Dad cooks for someone that touched his daughter. Haha. Its so frustraing seeing these posts!!! I want to post sonething INDIRECT on facebook. Like " its sad when people tutn a blind eye to molestation" ...something like that. The guy is in his 80's I think, and I doubt they would open up an investigation. Hes been a indian chief and is the father at the church. I dont care what happened to me, I just cant stand the thought of it happening to someone else . Should I post something not so obvious on fb? There are other people from the village on my fb page..
Maybe it will reach someones heart. Sorry for such a long post and thanks in advance.

- ashley - 05-06-2013 09:33 PM

No, it will only start drama and it won't touch anyone's heart; all they have to say is that you're lying and since he is a respected man in the community, you won't be believed.

If anything, call your dad and ask him why. But don't start things on facebook for the public to see; it will only cause you more drama.

- Pearl L - 05-06-2013 09:48 PM

you can try