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Firefox keeps losing page-style for no reason? - Printable Version

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Firefox keeps losing page-style for no reason? - Daniel day - 05-07-2013 02:21 AM

I'm not too familiar with firefox to be able to really explain what it is doing, but firefox is regularly dropping the styles of pages I'm viewing - especially noticeable on websites such as Facebook. It will randomly lose all sense of page style - changing all the fonts to times new roman, making links unavailable and generally making life a pain.

It's definitely not a virus, as I'm using a brand new laptop without any firefox add ons or themes installed, and I have updated the software to the most recent version. I've found that by emptying my history/cookies cache and/or restarting firefox will allow websites to be viewed correctly again, but only for a short amount of time. This is getting pretty frustrating, is there any reason it keeps doing this? I have page coding set to Unicode/Western depending on what sites I'm visting, and I've made sure that the 'NO PAGE STYLE' tab isn't selected.

I've included a screen grab just incase my explanations don't make too much sense:

- 1drpepper1 - 05-07-2013 02:31 AM

I have never heard about that issue, I know that it does happen from time to time but not like on every webpage. I did notice one odd thing, you aren't at Facebook it looks like. It shows that you are at I don't know if you are in a different country or something, but that is odd. I have never seen that url... Try typing in manually I know that might not be the issue with every website but that url is really strange.
Just add additional details if that's not the problem, because I am curious.

- Prospero - 05-07-2013 02:46 AM

You have a corrupted Firefox Profile. Export all of your bookmarks in an HTML file then go to Control Panel > View > Show System Files > C: > Users > <your account folder> > Appdata > LocalLow > Mozilla > delete your profile folder, then restart Firefox. It will load just the way it did after you first installed the software, then import your bookmarks and redo your settings.