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how can I sign UMG the right way? the chance of my life!? - Printable Version

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how can I sign UMG the right way? the chance of my life!? - Daniel - 05-07-2013 07:10 AM

I am a 15 years old singer & songwriter (I also play guitar, keyboards, bass, and a little drums), I am good looking (sorry for not being modest, but I am handsome and charismatic) and I emailed some producers with one of my song's lyrics. In the email I specified my main information, contact information, my goals, my beliefs, and what I expected from being a musician, hoping to get a reply.

So I was emailed back by an A&R Director (pop/rock producer also) from Universal Music Publishing Group last week and was asked to record 3 of my best songs and then to call him back as soon as I had them to give me a professional review about them and to talk about my future. This is the email I received:

"Hey Daniel, ¿how are you? Thanks for your email and for contacting us! It is a pleasure to know you by this mean for now! We'll have the opportunity to meet each other soon!

Unfortunately, in this season of the year it is going to be quite hard for me to be able to see you, but I want to ask you to please take advantage of these days so you can record some samples from 2 or 3 from which you consider your best songs, and I'd be pleased to see you the first days of January or as soon as you have your songs ready, so I can evaluate them, give you a professional opinion about them and talk about what's coming next with you

Do not hesitate to contact me for any doubts, and I'll be glad to stay in touch with you to keep up and plan.

Greetings, my best wishes."

It sounds to me as a VERY promising email, he left me his contact information and everything by the end of the email.

I am certain and know that my songs are pretty good, and I know they'll fit perfectly and that they'd be world hits. I am somebody really open to music since I like EVERY genre, from classical to reggae and from pop to heavy metal. My lyrics are really deep and I've also written some of them for a teenager audience to like them!

I want to know what should I do next? I am recording the songs the producer asked for on January 4th and 5th. I want some advice on royalties, deals, records, touring and everything I need. I'd really appreciate if you could give me as much information as you could. I feel very excited about this and I think this may make me forget some important details. Since I received the email, 4 recording studios and 1 indie label started following on twitter, and even an actress retweeted me saying "I think I finally made my way all through music, and may have the chance to sign with Universal Music!".

I seriously feel I can do this, but I want to do this the best as I can. "Do whatever you do, but whatever you do, be the best."

Help me, I need advice!
Follow me on Twitter!

- hi - 05-07-2013 07:22 AM

Don't jump ahead of yourself here. Don't worry about royalties or deals or anything. Just do what he asks for now, and record the albums.

You're going to have to get in touch with a lawyer eventually, but that'll happen when you actually get a contract proposal. They'll make sure everything is fair.

You'll only get halfassed advice here.