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Do trolls serve a valuable purpose on internet forums? - Printable Version

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Do trolls serve a valuable purpose on internet forums? - Supply Side Jesus - 05-07-2013 11:22 AM

The quality of trolls ranges in quality as much as users who take any given forum seriously. There are good ones, bad ones, funny ones, smart ones, dumb ones, etc.

I would contend that trolls serve a critical purpose on nearly any internet social medium. They keep people from taking it too seriously. They remind the community that this isn’t real life, this is an internet forum. They remind those who administer the forum that their power is strictly limited to their little corner of the internet. They help expose the absurdity of it all.

- Integration 20 - 05-07-2013 11:27 AM

Trolls also take on arguments they may not even agree with simply to start a conversation.

Yes, I rather enjoy internet trolls.

- Damn! - 05-07-2013 11:39 AM

They provide entertainment and a laugh if they are a good troll...and we all need a laugh...

- My Evil Twin - 05-07-2013 11:49 AM

agree. the quality of the trolls on GS is a primary "like" of the site. not all of them you understand, only enough of them.

- princessblaise39 - 05-07-2013 12:03 PM

There needs to be a balance - That is the difficulty

- lalalalala - 05-07-2013 12:10 PM

Troll culture is pretty interesting. I will admit that some of the best trolls have caused me to "spit up my lunch all over my keyboard." They sometimes inspire people and some cause people to really think, and have made me laugh so many times that it seems that the smartest ones are the funniest.