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How do you manualy shut down personal antivirus on my computer? - Printable Version

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How do you manualy shut down personal antivirus on my computer? - big feet - 05-07-2013 02:31 PM

Its ruining my computer and not allowing me to go on some of my favorite sites (facebook, youtube) and I've tried everyway i know of to delete it but i cant, its like a virus itself.

- Virtus - 05-07-2013 02:45 PM

It depends on what OS you're running. Normally, you should be able to go into your control panel, click on security center, and disable it through there. I'm not sure what antivirus program you're running either. I also assume you want to keep the program. Disabling antivirus is not recommended, but if you feel you need to do it, that's how.

- Bob - 05-07-2013 02:47 PM

You need a spyware removal tool. Have you tried Spyware Doctor?

- Md - 05-07-2013 03:03 PM


A Personal Antivirus Removal Tool (Trojan.Win32.Agent.Azsy Removal Tool) is available from (download link at bottom of page): pulls together the best of the Free Antivirus Downloads available.