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If you were/are the other woman....? - Printable Version

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If you were/are the other woman....? - Kathryn - 05-07-2013 05:33 PM

NB: I've never been in the situation of being cheated on, it's just something I read about recently. But if you ever get with MY man while we're still in a relationship, you can say you've been forewarned.

If you were/are the other woman,

I will make your life a living nightmare.

I will trash you to any and all other adults I come into contact with.

I will celebrate any bad situations that befall you.

If you marry MY man, I will bleed you dry financially via alimony and child support.

I will, along with my friends, taunt you via social media.

You will learn that there is truth to the adage "Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned."

- bleuroze - 05-07-2013 05:47 PM

When my best friend's ex split with another woman, she tried to be amicable. She even negotiated his child support down to accommodate the fact that he wasn't making much and had another child. Her reward? He drove away that day in his girlfriend's BMW and hasn't been heard from since.

When my ex left for another woman, hell hath no fury. No breaks on anything. I recognized that the worthless POS wasn't worth my time, but I made his life as miserable as possible with as little effort as possible. Which was fairly easy. Defriended all our mutual friends that I wasn't close to with a brief message as to why we shouldn't try sharing friends (as in what he'd done with another woman, while I was pregnant and her name). He claims that cost him his band since his friends left. I dropped his belongings off with his parents and apologized that I had been covering for him when he admitted to me that he'd been on drugs again. They needed to know and it had been weighing on me. Waited until he was too far behind by my state's guidelines to ever catch up before filing for child support, but made the appearance of trying to work with him out of court by asking ever so nicely for diaper money once in a while, mainly because it irritated the hell out of the new woman to hear from me. The second she decided to get in the middle, I got a restraining order, which prevented her from getting her dream job.

Hell hath no fury. Years later, I have no interest in making their lives miserable, but celebrate when it is anyway.

- Christy831 - 05-07-2013 05:55 PM

It takes two! No man is not taken away they have a choice. Obviously if he's cheating there's something wrong with the relationship. The ow is usually lied to and lead on by the cheating man. There is nothing fun about being the ow, but sometimes you meet someone that you think may be your soulmate. I strongly believe it's the cheating mans fault! Leaving him is the best revenge a woman can have, but most of the time the weak woman won't leave shell forgive him and take it out on the ow. Its easier to blame someone else! The ow is just as much hurt by the cheating dirtbag as the wife Is. Men are selfish and continue to get away with cheating all too much!! Women if your man cheats LEAVE HIM! Be carefull because the ow can do the same to you!! She hates you just as much as you hate her!