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Why does my boyfriend get angry with everything I do? - Printable Version

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Why does my boyfriend get angry with everything I do? - Petal - 05-07-2013 09:09 PM

We are both 17 years old & have been together for about a year and a half. We were friends during high school and got together in the last year of school. At our leavers Prom I got voted most attractive girl & he did not like that. We text message all the time and see each other sometimes every day or mostly every other day. For about the first 8 months of our relationship, everything went really well and we were both very happy with each other. As summer approached, he began to get uneasy and apprehensive and started accusing me of liking other boys (I never did and never would). Things only got worse, he’d be okay for a few days then randomly go into a strop about any little thing, for example he hates it when I speak to my friends (all girls) and literally ignores me when I go round their houses or see them so I never do anymore. I feel as if I am always walking on egg shells with him and if I say one thing wrong he flips and gets so mad.
He despises it when I get invited to parties because other boys will be there as well as my friends so I always turn them down. He has notifications for my Facebook and my Twitter sent to his phone so he can keep an eye on me.
I never moan or complain when he sees his friends or goes out or anything like that, so why should he do it to me? Neither of us has ever done anything wrong in any relationship, so why does he always accuse me of cheating etc?
I treat him like gold, he means so much to me & I tell him this and he says it back to me too but sometimes I question if he really means it or is he just in it for the ‘fun side’. I generally believe that I’m in love with him because he can be lovely and perfect at times but it’s when he flips for no reason I don’t understand.
Why is this? It makes me so upset and I’m not allowed to talk to my friends or family about it otherwise he will go mad.
Thank you for any comments they are much appreciated.
*he gets invited to the same parties as me, he goes and I don't however I don't have a problem at all with him going*

- Jareth - 05-07-2013 09:19 PM

Looks like your boyfriend has quite a few problems, if I'm honest. He makes your Facebook and Twitter notifications go straight to your phone? That's a bit over the top, in my opinion. And I understand about the party thing, because I'd be upset/pissed off if my girlfriend was going to go to a party.

Sit down with him, and tell him he needs to change. If not, then leave him. You can't continue a relationship if he's like that all the time.

- fazzy - 05-07-2013 09:33 PM

He's more likely to be cheating on you. I watched enough Jeremy Kyle shows to know that.

Its the way it works.

Do the same to him and see how he likes it.

- hiddenmyname - 05-07-2013 09:47 PM

Why are you still with this guy? He is controlling you and it wont get better. Get out before he turns violent.