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Girl lied and said I hit her but I didn't what should I do? - Printable Version

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Girl lied and said I hit her but I didn't what should I do? - Future234 - 05-07-2013 09:32 PM

My ex girlfriend and I recently broke up and we hadn't really talked for about a week. Then we ran into each other in a bar and hooked up but then got in a big argument, she pushed my face out of the way and I pushed her beer out of her hand thats it. I was with my friends and she was with hers and my friends saw the WHOLE thing. The next day she's telling people that I hit her in the face and gave my number to some dude who texted me threatening me. I never hit her and never even came close to it because im not like that also my friends witnessed it know she's lying as well. Why the H*** would she make something up like that I could get in real trouble. She was texting me the next day trying to convince me that I did and she said "you were blacked out how would you even remember" but I wasn't blacked out. Later I told her that I had had enough and was going to contact the police because she gave my number and I was being threatened and and harassed on social media. AS SOON AS I MENTIONED POLICE she freaked out and said "its not necessary to take it that far, its all over just let it go" now correct me if im wrong but if a girl got hit why would she freak about the police if she was telling the truth. She was lying she knows it I know it, but she's spreading rumors so should I go to the police or what?
P.S - I really don't understand why she would make up such a serious lie such as this one that has serious consequences. She called me a week later wanting to get back together and I was like wtf NO. If she cared why would she try to destroy me.

- Sh00fly - 05-07-2013 09:42 PM

The police won't do anything about it, it would probably be a waste of time. Unless that guy keeps threatening you. If he does, take it to the police.

Just block her number, delete all contact info you have for her and if you see her out, completely ignore her.