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Stanford University Requirements-Psychology? - Printable Version

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Stanford University Requirements-Psychology? - Zaki Al issawi - 05-07-2013 09:34 PM

Hello guys i'm in year 11 at the moment and i'd like to know what the requirements for Stanford University are if i want to study psychology, and later on get a masters degree in Media Psychology? Help please, i've checked the wbesite and it does not show me much.

- mean_one_too - 05-07-2013 09:47 PM

you need to find out their undergrad requirements.

then you can check out their Psych program

- Skylark ♥ - 05-07-2013 09:50 PM

Stanford does not admit undergraduates based on their intended major or career ambitions because many later change their mind once they start college and are exposed to other academic disciplines. There are no specific requirements for admission to Stanford, but the majority who are admitted have consistently earned high grades in challenging classes throughout their high school career, and have done very well on the SAT or ACT. I encourage you to read through the Academic Preparation page on the Stanford Admission site as it's really the best source of information. Information is also on the site for international applicants. We have an event on campus at the beginning of the winter quarter called iDeclare to help sophomores decide or affirm their major.

If you are admitted to Stanford and you do decide to pursue Psychology, then you submit a Psychology Major Proposed Major Form to the psychology department. It outlines all the requirements for the major, and on the back of the form you must map out your plan for fulfilling all those requirements. You can choose a specialization track then or later. You get everything signed off on, then you officially declare your major on Axess, our community web-based system. If you're curious about the requirements, you can find them on the Stanford Psychology website. Click on the Undergrad tab on the left side of the screen, then degree information. Choose either BA Program or Coterminal (combined BA & MA). Voila.

Stanford does not offer a MA in Media Psychology. Our programs are in Cognitive, Developmental, Neuroscience, Affective Science, and Social Psychology.

Good luck!!!

~ skylark : )