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How much should I charge per month for social media? - Printable Version

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How much should I charge per month for social media? - Shelly - 10-12-2012 12:16 PM

I'm running a facebook site for a non-profit organization. Getting the site started, I charged $15/hour for 16 hours of work for basic set up. Now I'm wondering how much to charge per month to keep it updated; I will be giving it at least 3 status updates a week as well as inviting members, adding new apps occasionally, etc. Any suggestions on what a monthly rate should be?

- Curi - 10-12-2012 12:24 PM


- G C - 10-12-2012 12:24 PM

How long do you estimate it will take you to do the status updates, etc?

The set-up was the hard part, shouldn't take you too long to update the stuff. Stay with $15 an hour and see what they say. If they start fudging, go down to $10 an hour with the stipulation that they give you a donation receipt for the other $5 an hour - you can take that off your taxes.


- Social Media PRO - 10-12-2012 12:24 PM

You can charge $250 a month, which should be reasonable for a non-profit.

- Dexter - 10-12-2012 12:24 PM

Hi Shelly,

I think it depends on your expertise, if you're just a newbie it would be better to charge a low monthly rate and increase it once you have already enough experience and expertise.