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How can my girlfriend and I get started with limited funds? - Printable Version

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How can my girlfriend and I get started with limited funds? - Tom - 05-08-2013 12:30 AM

Okay, so here's our situation. We both currently live with my parents, and have for 8 months. We're both 18 and have been looking for jobs and ways to make money to get off of our feet and start a life. The only problem with trying to get jobs is we would really, really prefer to work together. I know that might sound like a bad idea for some couples, but we actually have a very strong relationship and have been able to work together and accomplish things easily in the past. We don't want to spend our days apart, or stress ourselves. Also, I struggle with a considerable amount of social anxiety, so I fear that I won't be able to perform alone in a workplace.

But to our luck, we'll be receiving $800 every month for the next 5 months. We do have to pay some utilities and pay for food, but we're planning on using this opportunity to either find a job we can do together, or seek out a freelance source of income.We're both ambitious, creative individuals who are open to (almost) anything. How can we use this money to get on our feet?

Thank you.

- Mary - 05-08-2013 12:41 AM


- ClickStart - 05-08-2013 12:53 AM

Consider an online crowdfunding project as a way to make money for yourself and your girlfriend. There are many sites available where for a percentage of what you raise, you can use the power of crowdfunding to your advantage. You put your project online, tell people on the crowdfunding site what you are trying to raise money for whatever your project is, then promote the fundraiser by sharing a link to the online crowdfunding fundraiser to all of your social media contacts. They go to the site, give $5 or $10 (or more!) through their credit cards in a secured transaction, and you get the money you need!

Crowdfunding is generally described as getting a lot of small donations from a large number of people. Using the power of social networks, it is easy to get a great fundraiser going through a crowdfunding site and raise money quickly for your needs without having to do car washes and bake sales and the other time consuming old fashioned ways of raising money.

For you, maybe you and your girlfriend raise money to start a business together. What better way to work together?

Maybe this is a way for you to make money. Just be creative!