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HELP! my eyebrows are so weird!? - Printable Version

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HELP! my eyebrows are so weird!? - You - 05-08-2013 04:23 AM

Theyre so uneven and gross looking i always hide them with my side bangs. I just want to be able to not be embarassed about them. :/ and tips? what looks good and what doesnt about mine?
Ones higher than the other and im currently letting the right one in the picture grow more in the begining of the brow so theyre atleast the same length
Ones higher than the other and im currently letting the right one in the picture grow more in the begining of the brow so theyre atleast the same length
I also like the thickness of them. ive never been a fan of thin brows and i dont think theyd look good on me

- DeadEnd - 05-08-2013 04:29 AM

They are so nice and full!
Why don't you go to a salon and get them threaded and waxed? Smile

- Ana - 05-08-2013 04:34 AM

They're not bad, just a little thick. Try getting them waxed at a salon or plucking them

- hissinggrape998 - 05-08-2013 04:36 AM

you could tweeze... tweezing always helps me when they grow out...

- horselover - 05-08-2013 04:48 AM

They're not gross OR weird looking! yeah, it's a little uneven, but that's really not that bad. If you want to even them out, you can try to grow the left side in a bit, (if you want you can use an eyebrow pencil, or mate eyeshadow that matches your eyebrow shade) you can also pluck a tiiiny bit or hair from the right side, but really just LITTLE! I mean like, just a FEW hairs, since you can always remove a little more later. Also, I don't think they're too thick, so be careful about plucking them/getting them waxed, it takes a long time for them to grow back, and, in my opinion, full brows are very pretty!

- Someone - 05-08-2013 05:04 AM

I don't know what you want to fix about them but here's something about eyebrows:

For the perfect eyebrow shape:
When plucking, ensure the highest point of the arch falls at the outer third of the eye as you go toward your ears. The brow should follow the natural curve of the eye, beginning at the corner and not overextending into the temple.

For messy brows:
Smear some Vaseline on your toothbrush and use it to smooth stray hairs into place.

To make plucking eyebrows less painful:
Try smoothing canker sore gel on first, then leaving it for a few minutes before you begin plucking.

- Penny Lane - 05-08-2013 05:09 AM

There is nothing whatsoever wrong with them. You are obsessing. A perfectly symetrical face is boring as hell. Stop thinking your brows are messed up cause they are 1/16" different from the other.

What you COULD do, if you really want to change something, is fill them in a little. Get a slanted eyebrow brush and some flat (non shimmery) eye shadow that matches your brows, err on the side of lighter not darker, and just fill them in a little. It makes a bigger difference than you can imagine.

I would also suggest to not wear liner on your bottom lash line, as it kind of drags your eyes (eye shape) downward at the corners. So theres my opinion for something different. Stop with the bottom liner, learn to do a cat eyeliner look, and fill in the brows a little with a slightly lighter-than-natural powder.