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How to be famous on the Internet? - Printable Version

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How to be famous on the Internet? - Maria - 05-08-2013 10:22 AM

- Renaldo - 05-08-2013 10:34 AM

start making great youtube videos

- bbyxcookie - 05-08-2013 10:37 AM

How did anyone else get famous? Youtube.

- Matthew Nelson - 05-08-2013 10:46 AM

Learn the ins and outs of your computer. If you're still in the dark ages and you're relying on others to know how to manipulate everything on the computer while you just point and click, it's time to get net savvy. Get a couple of books, go online, and practice HTML. Be reassured that one day you're going to be able to change channels from ABC to CBS to social networks. Learn the basics so that when TV and the Internet truly become one, you'll be ready.

Focus on what might make you famous. While fame and becoming famous can be an elusive concept, what have you got to offer other people that will set you above the online masses? There are some key elements that will help your quest:

You're fascinating, interesting, unusual, alluring, or unique. Much Internet fame is about working the "cult of personality".

You have something worth people's attention rather than being attention-seeking. What you have to offer readers and viewers is entertaining, enjoyable, and new (or presents a new way of looking at something age-old). It's about the information and entertainment, not about "Look at me!".

You're fantastic at connecting with people and bringing out their best or firing up their energies.

You're affable, funny, or fun, and at ease in the online medium.

You're like a chameleon, able to gauge the changes in style and crowd moods to move with the times, updating and pushing the trends before you. Think Madonna of the Internet.

Most of all, you're able to get across all of the above in a screen environment. A tall order but very doable with the right frame of mind and approaches.

Define your idea of "fame". Do you want to be famous everywhere for being an amazing personality, a tech goddess, or the most followed social butterfly? Or are you more focused, hoping to become famous for being the best in a particular area, such as being the best blogger on women's fashion, the best video creator of science fiction spoofs, the best nature photographer online, etc.? Determine your style of fame so that you can remain focused on your online purpose. The second kind of fame is more likely online because fame is more "intimate" than the fame of movies stars and other celebrities.

Check out Internet celebrities and famous phenomena. Learn what has worked for them and what sort of gimmicks, stunts, and brand portrayals they have used to good effect to increase and maintain their fame. YouTube has a lot of "Internet celebs", often consisting of people hoping Hollywood will take note. And there are famous bloggers, Tweeters, and Facebook contributors. Take a look at people who are famous in the areas that interest you most.

(continued at the following site):