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How do I combine social forces and abortion? - Printable Version

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How do I combine social forces and abortion? - dyeisag_9 - 05-08-2013 10:39 AM

So I have an outline due this Tuesday and my professor asked us to input something with social forces. My topic is on Abortion. The other 2 is marriage and family and social problems.

The one I have trouble finding information on is social forces on abortion.

Can anyone help?

- ozi_nut - 05-08-2013 10:52 AM

Social forces would be different from state to state and country to country

Each State or Country would have their own laws regarding abortions, most rule it out as morally wrong and then the debate comes into weather the embryo is human or not.

Religious beliefs can affect the outcome of ones choice to have an abortion or not as well. Catholics are against abortions for instance below I have included a link to a catholic article that I found interesting and NO I AM NOT CATHOLIC!!!!

I think it also boils down to personal choice, weather social factors like media, advertising, and family beleifs have an effect on your thinking. For some like me I find Abortion is ok in medical, sexual assult cases, and things like that are ok, but not just as a form of birth control because you couldn't be bothered using some form of control.