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Will an iPhone 5 work in Iran? - Printable Version

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Will an iPhone 5 work in Iran? - Summer - 05-08-2013 05:51 PM

I'm moving to Iran in a few months and i'm thinking about getting a new phone.
I was gonna get a new phone anyways but now that i'm moving I need to decide ASAP.
The thing is that many say that iPhones don't work in Iran or apps aren't available so i was wondering whether i'll be able to get apps or update them? Since some pages are blocked there (like Facebook) will i be able to use the apps somehow?
Oh and i'm also getting an Macbook Pro, and i guess this is a pretty obvious question but, would there be any problem connecting my iPhone with my Macbook Pro?

- LoNeLy M@N - 05-08-2013 06:01 PM

it works ! but u might experience some troubles with pages like youtube and Fb etc which u could buy a VPN connection which is easy to find one in iran to sort it out Wink