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Are Republicans going to eliminate Abortion and Social Security? - Printable Version

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Are Republicans going to eliminate Abortion and Social Security? - Edgar - 05-09-2013 02:04 AM

These are hot button issues on the AM Radio as well as Fox News media shows. I've been watching tv today and heard that Social Security and Abortion are next on the Republican "things to eliminate" agenda. Have you heard this?

- Macho Juan Grande - 05-09-2013 02:16 AM

Nobody is going to end SSI. The largest republican group are those people who depend on SSI to live their lives, especially since their 401K's took a dive.

- Paul L - 05-09-2013 02:20 AM

They are not in the majority now so it would have to be the Dems. Man you are pretty dam stupid to be asking questions for the liberals, you would be better off acting like a conservative because you do more harm than good.

- Trig - 05-09-2013 02:28 AM

Obama is doing what everyone suspected he would do once he got power.

- Sir Penguin - 05-09-2013 02:38 AM

Actually, they eliminated Social Security by bankrupting America over the last eight years.

We can't get rid of abortion either, because we need those babies to take care of us when the country falls apart.

- Peter IRON - 05-09-2013 02:43 AM

social security paid for my abortion when i was accidentally pregnant and on welfare, why would reublicakns try to take that wawy from me

- Jack - 05-09-2013 03:00 AM

I heard Obama won't do that because he dislikes caucasions

- Dan H - 05-09-2013 03:01 AM

No. However I did see a Democrat Congressman on Sunday Morning a month ago say that they would have to start "means testing" Social Security. In case you don't understand , that is when the Government tells someone who worked for 40 years and saved in his 401k and earned a pension that he has enough money and they are now going to give his money he paid in all those years to some lazy bum who never held a job and so he has nothing to retire on. I could hardly believe I was actually hearing a Congressman saying it out loud. From either party.
As far as abortion goes, I wish it could be outlawed, but I don't think it will be. partial birth abortion which is nothing short of murder, as well as late term abortions should not only be outlawed but any Doctor caught performing these should get the death penalty for these acts.