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How to convince my parents to let me get a facebook account? - Printable Version

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How to convince my parents to let me get a facebook account? - Smiley Face - 05-09-2013 05:00 AM

Okay, so basically, I am 14 years old and I really want a facebook account, but my parents won't let me :'( I am not the kind of person to let anyone view my profile, or post pictures of myself, or post personal info about myself, or accept random friend requests. i know how it works, kind of, and I am missing out on a lot of social things because of it but they just won't let me!! They are not very strict usually, but are when it comes to this topic. i want them to understand that I won't misuse it and won't do anything stupid. i think they think it is unsafe, but isn't it only unsafe if you don't use it correctly and are stupid with it?? I want them to understand that I am 14 and I need some independance. I understand why they say no, but I can take care of myself

- Punk10160 - 05-09-2013 05:08 AM

I had this problem. If you just leave the topic for a while and don't push it they'll probably give in a bit but if you want to show your independent and need a social life just start helping around the house this will make them impressed with you

- kate - 05-09-2013 05:19 AM

Let your parents have access to your account. If your not going to be doing anything wrong then what's to lose?? If it's just for social networking etc. obv u don't want them seeing everything! I understand that your 14. Maybe just speak to them maturely and sensibly and say 'Id like an account, I think you should trust me and give me a chance to prove I can be grown up'. Or something along those lines? And then let them have the odd browse just to let them know your not doing anything wrong. Good luck!