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What is Illuminati and what does it have to do with music? - Printable Version

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What is Illuminati and what does it have to do with music? - Jack - 05-09-2013 06:40 AM

I have heard of it and read information about it. But i'm only 13 so could someone please give me a simple answer on it so I will understand.

Thanks, Jack

- DAMION - 05-09-2013 06:49 AM

its a blood line that the richest and power ful are members of and it has to do with music because of selling the soul for fame and money

- Sarah~ - 05-09-2013 07:01 AM
That video will explain a lot. It's pretty lengthy, but very interesting. Smile

- Jack - 05-09-2013 07:15 AM

No Problem

Your Welcome, Jack.

- 1864 - 05-09-2013 07:28 AM

They are a group that wants a new world order and enslave humankind and they insert subliminal messages in the music and if you listen to a song backwards you will hear demonic voices and they will get in your mind and make you do things you can't control, they will brainwash you

- Obi Wan Knievel - 05-09-2013 07:30 AM

Will somebody please kill Jay Z for creating this internet buzz?

Here's the deal: The illuminati (not the ancient church group) is the super-secret ultra-paranoid hidden international government that everyone and his brother knows everything about. Their patented secret symbol is the Evil Eyeball Of Ancient Egypt, but only a select few people (a few billion at most) know that so keep it under your hat. They called themselves the New World Order for a long time, but they gave that name up when it was used by professional wrestlers.

If you're wondering why they're so secretive, just look at this list of facts (every 'truther' claims these are hard, proven facts, so obviously they are).

- They're atheists, but also Jewish. And Catholic. And Satanists, and they're Freemasons, and they're into black magic. So they're Jewish-Catholic-Satanist-magical atheists.

- They're stinking greedy capitalists who believe strongly in radical socialist egalitarianism.

- They love using subliminal messages to brainwash the masses (because absolutely everyone listens to rap and teen-pop) in music videos. But they haven't figured out the subliminal thing yet, so they just have JayZ do the one-eye pose for five minutes and hope nobody notices.

- They've existed since at least the end of WWII (maybe longer), and they're still in the planning and conception phase of their takeover.

- Even though they're more powerful than any army on the planet, they're deathly afraid of high school kids who know about them. They also control absolutely everything, except for MTV and youtube and the internet. They don't know anything about electronic media, evidently.

Remember, those are proven facts that people know for sure. So why are they so hush-hush and top secret about their existence? You would be too if you were that inept.

Are you getting the idea that maybe they don't really exist yet? Keep digging for facts (there are thousands) if you want, there are lots of websites who claim to know the truth. Then go over your list of facts and see how many more impossible contradictions you run into.

- Dubbs - 05-09-2013 07:34 AM

I'm going to object to Obi Wan, because he has done no research on this what so ever. For the past several years I have acquired sufficient knowledge of the existence of this secret Cabal to know it is real.

The Illuminati are the unseen powers that rule from behind the scenes of political and even global events. You're 13 and you've been brought up through school believing the world works one way, when in fact so many people are blind to see an unseen hand ruling from behind the scenes. In school, have you ever heard a teacher once addressing secret societies and their influence on the French and American Revolutions? Has any teacher ever taught you how the monetary system works? In science class have you ever heard of Nikola Tesla? There are real important things cut out of school curriculum, that if people knew about, would cause them to question the effects things have on social aspects. Most people think the government runs the General Board of Education, but in 1971 it was subsumed by the Rockefeller Foundation. The same people who dictate what will be taught in schools are also in charge of the media. 75% of US media courses through Rockefeller Center and Astor Plaza, New York, where it is subjected to editing and censorship, so those running the media can diret the mind of man which way they will.

Vivendi, one of the largest multi-media conglomerates owns Universal Studios, which is the parent company of Universal Music Group. The music industry is, in turn owned by the very same people who own the media, education boards, oil industry, pharmaceutical companies and banking cartel. Where people are slowly waking up to the realization that there is an Illuminati, they often question what it is. The Illuminati flash symbolism all over the music industry around certain celebrities to trick people into thinking that the Illuminati has something to do with celebrities and musicians, when in fact it is a shadow government looming behind politics through the confines of banking, trying to bring about a one world government or New World Order.

I'm sorry if this wasn't as simple of an answer as you'd like. Illuminati research is never simple; that's why so many people, like Obi Wan, refuse the believe it; because some people, unfortunately are too simple minded to understand the complexity of the conspiracy that has been woven.