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question for Caucasian American WOMEN? - Printable Version

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question for Caucasian American WOMEN? - Ali - 05-09-2013 08:44 AM

im at my last resort since i can't get a straight answer from my female friends in my social circle so thought i throw this question out here to see if i can get some feedback. im 24 year old guy born and raised in america but my parents are from Iran. I live in Los Angeles and we have a rather diverse melting pot here. You can find any ethnicity in my neck of the woods. And Im pretty successful in filling my bed with black girls, asian girls, latinas, and eastern european chicks. But i can not for the life of me score with a Caucasian american girl. And when i mean caucasion i mean the girl's parents are white her grandparents are white so on and so forth. I thought maybe white girl's just don't dig middle eastern men but then I score like insane with Eastern European girls. So im very confused when i hit up an american white girl and she quickly puts me in her friend zone. infact almost all of my female friends are the ones that denied me but kept me as a friend. And when i ask them about middle eastern men or like why were they not attracted to me i can't get a straight answer. it's always " i dont know" or they just say im not their type. And i see the guys they do date or have relationships with are either white men or black men. but no asians or mexicans or middle eastern guys. so what gives ??? do white american girls follow the news about the afghanistan war or iraq war and freak out when they meet a middle eastern guy ???? or is it that american white girls just want to stick to what they perceive is an all around american guy like a white boy or an african-american ?? ( no teenyboppers needed to answer. 18 years older and above plz)
i come from a Iranian (persian) heritage. NOT INDIAN. big difference.
13 year old trey. i have a job. i graduated from UCLA. if i didn't have a decent job i couldn't have had relationships with other women (except caucasion chicks)
13 year old trey. i have a job. i graduated from UCLA. if i didn't have a decent job i couldn't have had relationships with other women (except caucasion chicks)

- Trey - 05-09-2013 08:47 AM

It's because you use the same techniques that you use for all the other girls but don't necessarily work for White girls. There classy and want things alot. I can tell. Even though I'm a black 13 year old I still know how women work. They want money, good looks, a nice looking man, and a man with a job!

- Braty Naty - 05-09-2013 08:52 AM

You might be looking in the wrong area for white girls, because I find " forgein" guys very attractive. So you might wanna start widening out In your searches. Hope this helps!

- Blundt Cake - 05-09-2013 08:57 AM

Do they know where you're from specifically, or do they just assume you're from the Middle East?

White American girls in LA rarely watch the news, much less know the political history stemming from 1979 (and earlier).

Maybe you're just not attractive to them. Maybe they saw the movie "Not Without My Daughter" and can't shake it.

- Lina - 05-09-2013 09:01 AM

Are you by any chance the sun-skinned, petite type with rather darker hair, big eyes? I can't tell why, but as a caucasian girl i never felt attracted by them myself. The type I'm least attracted to are indians because I feel like they can't stimulate me intelectually an probably not care for me as well since india and the countries on the western side of it, are known as rather poor and not-so-educated. It's judgemental but that's what you think when you hear it everywhere.... I don't believe that every caucasian girl is like that though. My Boyfriend is a white east-asian after all, that's something not many caucasian girls dig also because they think they're to small etc.

Like you said, I believe the media is surely an influence in that matter as well. The whole world feels attracted to the western type right? that's because of the beauty-hierarchy the media created....
I'm trying to answer your question accurately but it comes down to the fact that I think- like you said- it really is because of the media that influences a girls taste in men and that I think that you could surely find caucasian girls who like you anyway, you'll just have to search more.

Good luck.

- Flower Power - 05-09-2013 09:14 AM

Not many white girls like foreign guys. White American girls mostly want a good, down to earth, hard working white american boy. We're probably guilty of being stereotypical, and the media and the war does have a impact on that as well. I'd say another big contributing factor is our parents and grandparents expectations of us. If I brought home a foreign guy my grandfather would have a heart attack. That's not the case for all white american girls, but I'd say a good majority. You're probably gonna have the hardest time getting a white american girl because you are middle eastern. Americans are guilty of being close minded and judgmental.

My boyfriend is half mexican and half white american. I had no idea until he told me, he does not look mexican at all, more Italian american, he even has a very Italian name. It doesn't bother me at all, but if he looked and acted mexican I don't know if I'd be okay with that.