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How to flirt with a guy via Facebook or some other cyber account? Help? - Printable Version

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How to flirt with a guy via Facebook or some other cyber account? Help? - delailah - 05-09-2013 08:53 AM

I like this guy that lives in Canada I know him, I know he liked me he was my bros good friend , we became closer the year I was moving , I moved to another country but am planning to visit him this summer hopefully.. I talked with him via Facebook since I moved weve always talked about school his work weather and how were both doing in general nothing so interesting and fun , and lately he hasn't been replying fast.. Idk why .. Any ways my question is how can I flirt with him via fb or say something that will get his attention ..? If yes how?? Please and thank you a lot

- george - 05-09-2013 09:01 AM

Firstly, if he likes you anything you tell him will be ok. Secondly, since you moved to another country you might be in different time zones and thats why he isnt replying so fast.

- SPYDERBLADE - 05-09-2013 09:02 AM

Flirt with him like you would if were with him in person.